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点击次数:1437    发布时间:2018-02-19
Although the security service of our country has a broad market prospect, security as a kind of occupation has also been approved by the public, but in the social security status of occupation classification is not high, employees less income and jobs less attractive, training institutions enrollment work very hard.
First, pre job qualification training is not implemented.

According to this, the security practitioners should regularly train the security personnel in the legal and security professional knowledge and skills according to the needs of the security services. Unfortunately, in the specific implementation process, some local implementation of the intensity, not only standardized training, and even the pre qualification training did not pay attention, let the new recruit security guard posts directly, the security guards have problems in the post will not correct processing.


Two. The setting of the training institutions is not reasonable.
According to the survey, some training institutions have their own names, or even have their own training places and necessary training facilities. Only when the higher authorities require security training, can they temporarily hire training places.
Three. The arrangement of the training content is not comprehensive
In some places, there is no uniform training material in security training. In some places, security training is mainly based on simple pre job training, and the content of training is also focused on the main business content of civil air defense.
Four, the staffing of training teachers is not in place.
The survey found that some of the security training institutions have weak teachers, and even no full-time security professional teachers. This brings about a series of problems, such as unreasonable training courses, primitive and simple training methods, and unscientific management of training base.
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